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Buy Mp3 Music Online / Black Sabbath / Sabotage (Reissued 2001) (Vinyl)
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Black SabbathSabotage (Reissued 2001) (Vinyl)

Sabotage (Reissued 2001) (Vinyl) $0.64
  • Discount: -20%
  • Release date: 1975
  • Duration: 43:49
  • Size, Mb: 101.36
  • Format: MP3, 320 kbps

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    KBPS stands for kilobits per second and the number of KBPS represents the audio quality of the MP3s. Here's the range of quality: 128 kbps = good, 192 kbps = great, 256 kbps = awesome and 320 kbps = perfect.

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1 Hole In The Sky   04:01 $0.10
2 Don't Start (To Late)   00:49 $0.10
3 Symptom Of The Universe   06:30 $0.10
4 Megalomania   09:43 $0.10
5 Thrill Of It All   06:00 $0.10
6 Supertzar   03:44 $0.10
7 Am I Going Insane (Radio)   04:16 $0.10
8 The Writ   08:46 $0.10
  00:00 $0.00

Customer reviews (1) Write a review

  • 3 anonymous Oct 14, 2011

    Black Sabbath's 6th release 1975's: SABOTAGE
    Many Sabbath fans consider this to be the last great album of the Ozzy era... But I see it as a mixed bag with a small number of outstanding cuts
    some filler and some steaming excrement!
    In many ways this continues the trend started with 73's SABBATH BLOODY
    SABBATH...a little overproduced, a little prog-rocky, and treading water in parts. On the other hand Ozzy's singing has never been better, vocally
    it's the peak of his long,long career as a rock singer.
    The album opens with a convincing rocker in the classic Sabbath style
    "Hole in the Sky", with a very abrupt ending it goes into track 2 the now expected (because it's been done on EVERY Sabbath record) accoustic
    Iommi guitar piece "Don't Start".
    Then comes the high point of the disc and the last true gem of the Ozzy
    years "Symptom of the Universe"...a genuine classic, with performance
    peaks for both Ozzy and Bill Ward, who just plain kills it on this song!
    Track 4 is the multi-layered "Megalomania". If the record stopped there it would be a blessing... but unfortunately it does not.
    Track 5 "Thirll of it All" isn't bad but you can hear the band running out of ideas, then "Supertzar", an insturmental track that should have been half as long and sounds as if it's from a badly dubbed Italian horror film.
    (Sabbath used it as a pre-recorded opening to their concerts for years)
    Cuts 7 and 8 shouldn't have been aloud to be released..."Am I Going Insane" is a failed attempt at pop, and the final song "The Writ" is
    just awful (despite Ozzy's very good vocal) and sounds familiar because Iommi uses part of the same main riff from "Superstzar", one that he briefly
    touched on in "Thrill of it All",takes a tour through Alice Cooper's "Only Women Bleed" as if it were recorded by Supertramp...what a mess!
    And if you really,really turn up the volume you'll hear the coda of Ozzy singing a country tune complete with honky tonk piano.
    So SABOTAGE is split 50/50 between very good and very bad. If you are a Sabbath fan you'll like it... but if not...
    -Kevin Baird

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